Learn to draw manga blog

Sunday, 26 June 2011

Tutorials on manga techniques so far,,,

On this webpage there's a series of tutorials that I'm working on for loooads of the techniques manga artists use in their mangas. Below are the links to this webpage and also the links to the techniques I have done so far (plus a little preview of the commentaries that go with them ;D)

Manga techniques page:


"The series of tutorials I will be adding on this page will solely focus on techniques used in actual manga comics. These tutorials will be of great help to you if you are writing your own manga...."

Lines in general:


"Lines are used to create effects EVERYWHERE in manga. They usually run in one direction and change depending on the perspective or action of the object they are on. Here are a few examples of where..."

Sword motions:


"The first thing you will need to know is that the direction of the lines will always run in the same direction and stretch AWAY from the direction in which the sword is swinging in. So really it’s as if the sword is leaving a trail of lines behind it. Above I’ve given you an example of what...." 

Sound effects:


"As you can see from the image above, they're bold and stand out. When adding them to a picture you wouldn't really want them to be the main focus of the picture though, which is why you make sound effects either quite small or in the background. Louder sounds tend to have larger font such as DOOM and quieter sounds tend to have smaller....." 

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